The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, initially enacted in 2012, experienced legal challenges from the current U.S. presidential administration. This program allowed some people brought into the United States illegally when they were children to legally...
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Louisville, Kentucky, Immigration Lawyer
Louisville, Kentucky, Immigration Lawyer
Month: July 2020
Can you lose asylee status?
Once you apply for asylum and receive asylee status, it can be a huge relief. Unfortunately, some people mistake asylee status for permanent residency. The truth is that it is not the same as being a permanent resident. After you obtain asylee status, you can lose...
What is an adjustment of status?
Immigration law can be confusing. Depending on your situation, there may be different steps you must complete to become a legal citizen. You may wonder what options you have if you are already living in the United States. For example, do you have to go back to your...