There are several ways to obtain a green card, one of which is through marriage. If you are not a U.S. citizen but marry someone who is, they can help you obtain a green card so that you can become a permanent resident. However, you may be worried about the...
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family immigration
The asylum ban is now even more restrictive
There has been a rather controversial ban on asylum in the United States for months now. In June 2024, the Biden administration said that asylum would not be allowed until fewer than 1,500 illegal entries were encountered by border patrol agents in a weekly timeframe....
What is chain migration and how can you use it?
You may have heard of the term “chain migration” without fully understanding what it means. Spewed from the mouths of some politicians, it can sound like it is a bad thing. But when used as intended, chain migration can be a very positive factor for new immigrants to...
Can the Parole in Place program help your family stay together?
President Joe Biden is using his executive authority to implement a new program that will allow about a half million undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens to become legal permanent residents (green card holders). Eventually, if they choose, they can then apply for...
3 ways to help a loved one immigrating into the U.S.
Coming to the United States is a promising journey for many people. It’s also one that comes with many challenges and changes. Knowing they have someone in the area who can help them through the transition may be beneficial for immigrants. If you’re the person they’ll...
What happens if you are accused of marrying for a green card?
Love knows no boundary. When you meet and fall in love with a foreign national, the U.S. immigration laws permit you to sponsor them for a green card so they can join you in the country. For this to happen, you have to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, of...
Asylum and other possible ways to fight against deportation
Many immigrants who live in Kentucky and contribute to the community feel the constant fear of deportation. It is like walking under a storm cloud that could unleash at any moment. If something happens that makes you a target for deportation, you may have defense...
Going through a green card marriage interview
Marriage is one reason why the government will give someone a green card. The green card allows them to be a permanent resident so that they can continue to live with their spouse, who is already a U.S. citizen. We have already discussed some of the documentation that...
How do you secure a green card for your non-citizen spouse?
As a citizen or permanent legal resident, you can bring your spouse to the United States by applying for a marriage-based green card. A green card grants your spouse the right to legally live in the United States. The process of obtaining a green card based on...
5 myths about family immigration into the United States
According to the U.S. Department of State, roughly 1.5 million people immigrated to the United States in 2021. Immigration remains one of the most discussed and debated topics in the United States. With the influx of information available, especially on social media...