There are many ways you can qualify to get a green card. Having this document enables you to live in the United States without fear of being deported from your home in Kentucky. However, to qualify, you do have to meet some specific requirements and fall into one of...
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Louisville, Kentucky, Immigration Lawyer
Month: October 2018
What is temporary protected status?
Temporary protected status is afforded by the Secretary of Homeland Security to immigrants coming from countries deemed unsafe, either due to unrest or because of a natural disaster. When this status is granted the person is not able to be removed from the country,...
What can I expect during the immigrant visa process?
In order to apply for an immigrant visa, a petition must be submitted on your behalf. This and the subsequent steps can be quite complex, and knowledge of your rights and responsibilities is a must if you hope for your application to be approved. The U.S. Department...
Understanding criminal charges and immigration detainers
If you came to live in Kentucky as an immigrant from another country of origin, you may have overcome numerous challenges as you adapted to life in the United States. Each person's journey is unique, and what poses a challenge for one person may not be problematic for...
You can obtain a green card through employment
If you are living in Kentucky, there are many ways you can become a permanent United States resident, even if you were not born here. At Vickerstaff Law Office, PSC, our team is experienced working through the immigration system. We help clients understand the complex...
How long does the asylum process take?
If you are filing for asylum in the United States, one of your top concerns may be how long the process will take. If you are living in Kentucky, you may be using a field office, which is one of the factors that can affect how much time it takes to get to your...