Adapting to a new lifestyle in Kentucky after emigrating from another country of origin is often a challenging experience. While you may be excited at the prospect of building new memories here in the United States, you may also worry about language barrier, new foods and customs, and other issues that immigrants commonly face. If U.S. government officials request your appearance at an immigration interview, you’ll want to do whatever you can to make a positive impression.
There are several key factors to keep in mind when preparing for your important meeting, such as carefully choosing what to wear. It’s no secret that the results of your interview may determine whether or not you can stay in the United States either temporarily or permanently, depending on your particular circumstances and ultimate immigration goals. U.S. immigration law is complex, so it’s always a good idea to know where to seek support, as well.
Clothing shouldn’t matter but it does
You might not think that what you wear to an interview should have any legal bearing on the adjudication process, which is technically true. However, your interviewer is a human being, and most people receive subliminal influence by what they see. The following list includes what to wear or not wear to an immigration interview:
- You may enjoy lounging in your favorite ripped blue jeans or pajama pants. However, you should not consider these your best choices when it comes to deciding what to wear to your immigration interview.
- Avoiding tee shirts with images or sayings on them is always best, in particular, logos or slogans that are profane or that your interviewer may consider controversial.
- Think of how you might dress for important job interview or when wanting to make a good impression on someone, such as your future in-laws. It is likely that the same clothing choices would be appropriate for your immigration interview.
- Most people wanting to make a positive impression at their green card or Stokes interview wear casual, conservative business attire.
- A clean, neat appearance is preferable to looking disheveled or as if you are not taking the situation seriously.
You do not have to dress in expensive, formal clothing for an immigration interview. Any clean, conservative style of dress within your financial means is fine. You wouldn’t want what you wear to have a negative impression on your interviewer since he or she has a lot of control over the ultimate outcome of your situation.
If a legal status problem arises
It is not uncommon for Kentucky immigrants to encounter legal status problems. Many are able to successfully rectify their situations by turning to experienced immigration law attorneys for guidance and support.