Regardless of the reasons that brought you to Kentucky, if returning to your home country could compromise your safety, the circumstances could be such that you are granted asylum. This allows you to stay in the United States to protect you from the threat of persecution based on factors such as your political opinions, race or religion. We at the Vickerstaff Law Office have counseled many clients about the advantages of being granted asylum.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services notes that settling in a new country often comes with challenges. If you qualify, there are local programs funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement that may provide you with financial and medical assistance, language instruction and help finding a job. One-Stop Career Centers is another organization through which you can get help with your job search, including career counseling and job skills training.
As soon as your asylum is granted, you can apply for a Social Security card, and after one year living in the country, you can file for a green card. When you apply for asylum, your spouse and children are listed on your application. You can seek derivative asylum status for them at that point, and then request permanent resident status for them when you apply for your own green card.
Leaving the country requires permission through a refugee travel document. This typically takes the place of a passport and allows you to reenter the country. More information about how you may be able to stay in the United States is available on our webpage.