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Louisville, Kentucky, Immigration Lawyer

Louisville, Kentucky, Immigration Lawyer

What is chain migration and how can you use it?

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2024 | family immigration

You may have heard of the term “chain migration” without fully understanding what it means. Spewed from the mouths of some politicians, it can sound like it is a bad thing.

But when used as intended, chain migration can be a very positive factor for new immigrants to the United States. It allows them to build or reconstruct the support systems they had back in their countries of origin.

Defining the term

A chain is made up of a series of links. Just as there is a first link to every chain, there is an initiating immigrant, the first of their family to strike out on their own in a world where the language and customs may be quite unfamiliar.

When that initiating immigrant legally establishes themself in America, they may one day be in a position to sponsor their spouse, parents or siblings to join them legally in the USA. Thus, other links join together to lengthen the chain.

How it got a bad name

Politicians often refer negatively to vulnerable populations in order to appease their base. They sell them on the fallacy of losing their jobs to immigrants when the reality is that these recent immigrants are more likely to take the jobs that American citizens turn down, like picking crops at harvest time. 

The reality is that chain migration is a far better option than risking life and limb illegally crossing the border to escape the drugs, violence and poverty that is rife within their own countries.

Act now to initiate your immigration action

Depending on the outcome of the November presidential election, the climate surrounding legal migration could be very different in 2025. Start now to ensure that your legal efforts have a better chance of paying out.