If you are called into immigration court in Kentucky, you should understand what to expect. Immigration court is much different than other courts. The rules are not the same, and your rights are not the same. This court is much different in many aspects. Understanding this can help you a lot when you are heading to court. You can be better prepared to handle the situation and know what to expect.
According to Pacific Standard, one of the biggest differences with immigration court is that it is ran by the attorneys in the Department of Justice. It is not a part of the judicial branch like other courts. This court has high case loads and lower budgets than other courts. It also has far less administrative support. This means cases can take longer to get through the system and may also be rushed. It may also be more difficult to get information when you need it.
A lot of the other things about immigration court are similar to the criminal court system, but your rights will differ. You do not have a right to an attorney. You can hire one, but most people do not have one represent them. You also will face mandatory detention during your trial. Your right to appeal is also different. If you appeal, the court does not have to give an explanation about its decision. Plus, the Attorney General can get involved and make a ruling, which is not an irregular occurrence. This information is not legal advice. It is intended for educational purposes only.