With the nation’s immigration laws constantly changing, you might be wondering how they may impact your situation. Though your 10-year green card’s expiration date is coming close, you might not have time to get around to renewing it on time. Though you might feel panic at the thought of being deported, there may be actions you can take to renew your green card and remain in the country.
Once your green card expires, you do not immediately gain the status of an unlawful resident. However, you do not get to retain all the benefits you enjoyed, such as having proof that you are legally authorized to work in Louisville or anywhere else in the United States and having the authority to travel internationally to and from the United States either.
You must decide if you want to renew your green card. It is best for you to make this decision at least six months before the expiration date on the green card. Though you might qualify for a renewal, you might also find it more beneficial to apply for U.S. citizenship. If you decide renewal is a better option for your current situation, you must complete an I-90 Application to Renew Permanent Resident Card.
Not all foreign nationals are eligible to have their green cards renewed. According to the USCIS, you must have an active Form I-551 that will expire within 10 years. Your green card must also expire within six months or the expiration date must have already occurred. Also, if you have a criminal record or have conditions on your green card, it might be necessary for you to seek out legal guidance.