As you think about the process that prepared you to come to Louisville from your country of origin, you likely remember that one of the criteria to qualify for your visa was to have the intention of one day returning home. Yet like many of those that we here at the Vickerstaff Law Office, PSC have worked with, you may have come to view the U.S. as your new home. Now, as you get ready apply for an adjustment of status, one of the elements that you must consider is whether there is a visa available in your immigrant category.
According to U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services, there is no limit placed on the number of visas available to those who are the immediate family members of current U.S. citizens. Thus, you do not have to worry about visa availability if your spouse, parents or children (who are 21 years of age or older) are citizens. You can also qualify as an immediate family member if you are the widow or widower of U.S. citizen, provided that your spouse filed for an adjustment to your status before he or she died, or you file for it within two years of his or her death.
The U.S. State Department allocates 226,000 family sponsored preference visas per year, and 140,000 employment-based preference visas. Unfortunately, demand often outpaces the supply. When this happens. a visa queue forms. Your place in the queue is determined by the following factors:
- Your priority date
- Your preference category
- The number of visas allotted for your country of origin
You can learn more about the process of adjusting your immigration status be continuing to explore our site.