Immigrant families new to Kentucky have a lot of exciting experiences to look forward to. However, many kids have problems adjusting to life in a new country, and it’s up to parents to make the process as painless as possible. Working Mother offers the following advice on how you can ensure that your children adjust well to their new homeland.
Take English lessons
While learning a new language is certainly challenging, a good grasp of English is a must for immigrant families. Not only will it open up a lot more opportunities, it will also allow you to bond with others in your community. Find out if your children’s new school offers English classes. If not, you can look for some within your community. Some instructors even offer free or low-cost classes to ensure all families are able to access this crucial education.
Keep routines consistent
It’s natural for your kids to feel homesick from time to time. You can mitigate these feelings by keeping the same routines you had in your home country. This includes things like mealtime as well as bedtime and associated rituals. Kids often thrive on routines and a drastic change to their schedule may cause further distress.
Look for friends
Friends can also help kids feel welcome in their new homes. Along with fostering relationships with children at school, also encourage your kids to socialize with those in your community. Look for neighbor’s with kids your children’s age so they can have friends around your home. If you’re unable to locate any young kids in the area, consider signing your child up for an after-school program or other activity.